Thursday, September 08, 2005

Reinventing The Holocaust

By Naomi Ragen

The Admor of Kalive, Manchem Mendel Taub, has decided that what the ultra-Orthodox community needs is its own alternative to Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Martyrs and Heroes Remembrance Authority, established in 1953 by Israel’s Knesset. According to Moshe Fichsler, who is in charge of the Kalive museum project, haredi youth knows little about the Holocaust.

Could this be, perhaps, because their elders have never visited Yad Vashem, and don’t bring their children? Could this be because even the national moment of silence in which Holocaust victims are remembered, is not honored in the haredi world?

Of course, the haredim have an answer for all that: Yad Vashem has pictures of women without their clothes on. And standing still and remembering is a “gentile” invention.

Now, while I think it is legitimate to debate whether the dignity of the victims is violated by displaying such pictures, it is quite another to boycott the entire memorial site of the Jewish people because of it. As for standing silent and remembering, isn’t that exactly what the high priest Aaron did when he learned his two sons had died?
But I think we do an injustice to our ultra-Orthodox brethren to reduce their problem to such petty issues. In truth, the issues are much, much larger. For when I wander through the dark halls of Yad Vashem, taking in its devastating portrayal of Jewry’s unimaginable tragedy, and then I walk out into the Jerusalem sunlight, something happens to me. I am reminded that all of us born of Jewish parents or grandparents, whatever our beliefs or lifestyles, were treated equally by the Nazis and their collaborators. I am reminded that we Jews are all brothers and sisters, and that the State of Israel was founded to give Jews a home, a place that when we have to go there, it has to take us in. A place where we Jews could arm and defend ourselves from future tragedies. A place we could, as Jews, watch out and care for each other.

But this, apparently, is not the right message for ultra-Orthodox leadership. Why not becomes apparent in reading Ephraim Zuroff’s brave, well-written and most fair analysis in his book: “The Response of Orthodox Jewry in the United States to the Holocaust”.

Dr. Zuroff, an Orthodox Jew, is deeply sympathetic to the efforts of religious Jews to rescue European rabbis and yeshiva students, and he documents with care their successes and dedication. However, as a scholar, he can’t ignore the sad truth that in pursuing their goals, Orthodox leadership often ended up helping some Jews to receive double aid while others starved, all in the name of “enabling [yeshivah students] to continue their studies uninterrupted as if there were no war.”Even after August 1942, when it became clear that wide-scale extermination of European Jewry was taking place, the Vaad ha-Hatzala Rescue Committee concentrated its support for rabbis who faced no immediate threat of annihilation in Shanghai and central Russia.

Nor can Zuroff ignore the fact that many prominent European rabbis, roshei yeshivot, didn’t bother to get their students vital documentation when it was still possible, unwisely squandering opportunities to save lives.

For his scholarship and fairness, Dr. Zuroff has (predictably?) been compared to Holocaust denier David Irving by Rabbi Berel Wein, and discredited by haredi historian Dr. David Kranzler. Their criticism leaves me wondering if either has actually bothered to read the book. (In my personal experience, my harshest critics have never bothered to read mine. That way, it’s so much easier to be critical.)

Yes, the Orthodox Vaad ha-Hatzala was willing to march and protest when secular Jews were too embarrassed (they also refused to march when secular Jews wanted to). They were willing to bend American regulations if it meant saving Jewish lives. And in the end, they were even willing to join with their fellow Jews for wider goals.

But the bickering, mostly over fundraising, between the Vaad and the JDC continued almost constantly throughout the war. True, the JDC sometimes hampered the Vaad’s unusual but sometimes successful initiatives. But without JDC funding, the efforts of the Vaad would have been close to worthless.

The importance of Jewish unity and cooperation seems to be the lesson of this historical fact-gathering. Without conveying that lesson, any Holocaust memorial is worthless.

Thus, the desire of haredim to even remember and mourn separately, to deny their children the experience of sharing in the Jewish people’s collective memory, is unforgivable, as are the attempts to vilify any Orthodox Jew who breaks ranks, bravely exposing unpleasant truths that must be faced about ourselves, our communities and the spiritual leaders we so love to aggrandize into saintliness and infallibility.

The truth is, that when the chips were down, trusting the infallibility of rabbinical leaders cost people their lives. The truth is that when push came to shove, rabbis and yeshiva students worried about themselves and their own, and only very late, and very partially, did they consider the needs of the rest of Jewry.

We see that legacy today in the refusal of the haredi community to do their fair share of military service, or their fair share shouldering the financial and social burdens of the Jewish people in the land of Israel. Yes, I suppose they need a museum of their own. A place unburdened by reality, history, and the growing voices of dissent within their own ranks. But in building it, the haredim will be adopting another invention of the "gentiles" -- Disneyland.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Thursday, September 08, 2005 2:03:00 AM  
Blogger DK said...

On his tape on R. Chaim Ozer, R. Wein states that he encouraged people to "get out."

He did no such thing. He encouraged them to stay.

If the frum are so convinced that Daas Torah is always correct, why are they engaging in revisionism?

Thursday, September 08, 2005 1:05:00 PM  
Blogger DK said...

The Warsaw Ghetto uprising was not "Masada" all over again. The Jews of Masada did not have to fight Rome. That was over their pride and nationalism. There situation was desperate solely because they made it so.

Rather, the Jews of the Warsaw Ghetto had their backs to the wall. They did their own cheshbon Hanefesh - Fight and Die, or Don't Fight and Die anyway.

I am not saying that their ideas were in line with "Das Torah". But it was a different situation than Masada.

Thursday, September 08, 2005 6:18:00 PM  
Blogger Paul Mendlowitz said...

Das Torah is a sham when it comes to personal experiences.If you have a halachic shaila go ask a talmid chochom, but for personal experiences, das Torah is a crock.

This is the crap they feed you in yeshiva to make sure that you can never cut the ties with your rebbe/yeshiva, so they can keep control of you and your gelt.

R'Elchonon was in a postion to save his entire yeshiva and hundreds of families in Baronovich.

They got killed AL CHILUL HASHEM, trusting a person who while he was a great talmid chochom, was an idiot in mele d'alma.

The proof is in the graveyard!

Thursday, September 08, 2005 6:40:00 PM  
Blogger Paul Mendlowitz said...

So your uncles did not have money to eat or travel.
In other words you come from a family of shnorrers; I knew it, I can tell you are a JEALOUS LOW LIFE!Make sure you don't be mishaddech with my family you peasant.
R'Elchonon had more than enough many raised in America to save his ENTIRE yeshiva.
The bullshit you were fed is typical Lakewood/Art Scroll fairy tales.

Friday, September 09, 2005 12:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you want to write against todays politics,thats one thing, DONT write against people like R' Elchonon-YOU ARE NOT ON THEIR LEVEL.

Now I know you are totally full of SH*T. Even the biggest cynics of the generation dont write against Gedolim of yesteryear! SHAME ON YOU!

Friday, September 09, 2005 9:06:00 AM  
Blogger DK said...


You wrote,

"Learn a little history before you open your stupid spoiled mouth."

You poor penguin. You really, genuinely, don't know the difference between history and Artscroll Rebbe books and "tales of gedolim," do you?

Guess you and T "home boy" had to cut corners in liberal arts studies when getting the BTL.

Of course you did.

For the record, here is something useful. See? You use the foulest of language, and yet we seek to educate you.

Poor Shlomo.

From dictionary.com:

his·to·ri·og·ra·phy ( P ) Pronunciation Key (h-stôr-gr-f, -str-)
The principles, theories, or methodology of scholarly historical research and presentation.
The writing of history based on a critical analysis, evaluation, and selection of authentic source materials and composition of these materials into a narrative subject to scholarly methods of criticism."

Any other questions on the study of History, Shlomo, feel free to ask. After all, none in your circle will be able to.

Friday, September 09, 2005 1:38:00 PM  
Blogger Paul Mendlowitz said...

The above clowns are spoon fed bedtime stories.
Instead of Humpty Dumpty, they feed them with stories that make them sleep oh so well.
Gedolim are infallible, everyone died al kiddush hashem-like they had a choice...
These idiots had gedolim pictures ground into their kosher Manischewitz baby food.
They know s*** about what really transpired.

Friday, September 09, 2005 1:48:00 PM  
Blogger Paul Mendlowitz said...

Some Lakewood guy this shaigetz Shlomo is.

Disagree with him and all kinds of nivel peh vomits out like a drunken street bum.

He is no different than the rest of them, scratch the surface and the minuvel in them comes out.

BOTTOM LINE-there were many, many rabbis, rebbes, and rosh yeshivas that went to their deaths with other people's blood on their hands and souls.

Lessons to be learned; NEVER trust these guys to make LIFE & DEATH decisions for you.
They are mere mortals at best, and scumbags at worst.

Friday, September 09, 2005 5:05:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This does not suprise me. This has been the problem since the Temple was destroyed and all the difference of opinions were silenced except the proto Haredim the Pharisees. Now two thousand years later they and their mob have paskened and chumraed and treif and kashered and cheremed our people to death until we have reached the state we are now.

We have to break this mindset that somehow somebody put them in charge of everything and everybody. The Torah belongs to us all and they have taken upon themselves to be judge jury and executioner in their Beit Dins. You cant say nothing against any one of them without being told that they know everything and you know nothing so shut up.

These are not the champions of the people and Torah as they would have you believe. Except for a couple of brave individuals they dont get their hands diry like regular proud jews like Meir Kahane did. They think themselves above going to Jail and think that their prayer sessions are a substitute for action rather then as a supplement.

The Haredim are a cult and they are a pox on the Torah and Bnai Israel, they are no better then any of the other.

Dam them and their Mullah bretheren to the same hell.

Friday, September 09, 2005 5:14:00 PM  
Blogger Paul Mendlowitz said...

The language is a bit too strong, but I agree with your thread.

Friday, September 09, 2005 5:22:00 PM  
Blogger DK said...

There is a place for the Haredim. But having unchecked reigns of power is not the place.

I would refer everyone to Dr. Haym Soloveitchik (academic son of J.B.), who writes (brilliantly, of course) about the increased power and radicalism of the "B'nai Torah" in his essays in Accounting of Fundamentalisms, and in the the Essentials of Fundamentalism.

UO - if you haven't read these, you must - these are essays within big, big books - check your local university library.

Friday, September 09, 2005 5:38:00 PM  
Blogger DK said...

You "majored" in psychology? Surely you jest. Is that where you learned to make all those pop-Freudian mouthed comments aabout molestation and breast feeding? Is that what you consider "psychology" to be?!?"

I bet you got your undergraduate "degree" from Touro. Didn't you Shlomo?

Shlomo is a "Touro scholar."

Saturday, September 10, 2005 10:55:00 PM  
Blogger Paul Mendlowitz said...

Funny comment!
Good to laugh after all that cholent!
Shlomo is the scholar from Chelm.

Saturday, September 10, 2005 11:25:00 PM  
Blogger DK said...

The sole function of Touro is to keep Penguim riff raff like Shlomo out of Yeshiva College.

And yes, also to allow "many yeshiva people to go on to get advanced degrees." Under the false pretense of providing an education, unfortunately.

Sunday, September 11, 2005 1:12:00 AM  

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